The algorithm tries to find a few rabbit holes that are very powerful & persuasive.
Further digging down to each & every person's personal rabbit hole closest to their interest.
Then if one starts watching one of those videos, it will recommend you the most similar kind of video in the same rabbit hole & do that over & over again & this is what the YouTube's recommendation system is doing.
This became evident by a very famous incident when -
The famous basketballer Kyrie Irving said that he believed the earth was flat & apologized later for believing this & didn't want to mislead people.
He blamed it to the YouTube Rabbit Hole & it is somewhat true too because the Flat-earth conspiracy theory was recommended millions of times by the algorithm!
It's easier to think that a few stupid people get convinced, but the algorithm gets smarter every moment & is able to mislead you at some point.
Some day it might confuse you of something which is false, and you will end up believing it because of the algorithm.
In the same way, in life, a lot of times we hear something & we tend to believe it.
Even if we don't believe, it somehow stays in back of our mind.
We are not suggesting you to keep your eyes & ears closed, but just to keep your mind open & applying it all the time.
Have an opinion of your own (after reading about the topic from various sources) & then try to digest what others are saying.
Having a semi-radical approach is the best solution which includes:
Having a strong opinion of your own.
Understanding what others are trying to convey.
This would not only help you in becoming self aware but also it will help you in having better analytical conversations.